giovedì 16 maggio 2013


Galaxy S4: Samsung launches new smartphone that takes the fight to Apple

Samsung's long-awaited new phone finally launched in New York last night, with the South Korean giant looking to capitalise on Apple's recent woes with a device that is expected to pose the greatest threat yet to the iPhone.


An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one electric motor or more, using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device. Electric motors give electric cars instant torque, creating strong and smooth acceleration.
Electric cars were popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, until advances in internal combustion engine technology and mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles led to a decline in the use of electric drive vehicles. The energy crises of the 1970s and 1980s brought a short-lived interest in electric cars, though those cars did not reach mass marketing as today's electric cars experience it. Since the mid-2000s, the production of electric cars is experiencing a renaissance due to advances in battery and power management technologies and concerns about increasingly volatile oil prices and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

martedì 14 maggio 2013


If you want to slim down the healthy and painless  way, try the following strategies. After all, it's not what you eat but how you eat.
CHEW MORE, EAT LESS Studies show that the longer time you spend chewing, the lesser calories you consume. Chewing for longer prevents over-eating, by giving the brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it is full. It is not only great for digesting, but it also helps in limiting your portion size. Try chewing your food 35 to 50 times per mouthful.
 DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST No matter how late you are running to work, avoid missing breakfast. There is a reason why it is called the most important meal of the day. Your body (rather your brain) expects to be refueled a few times each day, so when you skip breakfast, you feel so hungry that when lunch time comes, you overeat or maybe choose foods items that are not the healthiest choices. Missing breakfast slows down your metabolism. More importantly, always eat your breakfast, within an hour of waking up, as your body has gone without food the entire night.
CONCENTRATE ON YOUR FOOD How many times has your mother reprimanded you to not talk, read or watch TV while eating food? Not without a reason. When you are multitasking during meal times, your brain isn't focussing on the amount of food that you are consuming and you are more prone to piling on pounds. This doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy a meal with your friends. You can do so, but just pay attention to what you are putting in your mouth!
DON'T OVERCOOK YOUR MEALS Overcooking food kills or reduces the number of nutrients your meal contains, and when you don't get enough nutrients, you don't feel satisfied and soon start to get junk food cravings. To combat this, try eating more raw foods like sushi and salads. Steam, bake, blanch or grill vegetables and grill or bake meat and fish. Avoid microwaving.
FRUITS BEFORE MEALS It is advisable to eat fruits at least 30 minutes before any heavy meal. This way, the fruits will digest quickly. Eating fruits on an empty stomach detoxifies your system and supplies you with a great deal of energy for losing weight.
HAVE SMALLER MEALS, MORE OFTEN Ideally, you should eat five to six times per day, with a two to three hour break between each meal or snack. Eating more frequently gets your metabolism going and keeps it working at an elevated level continuously throughout the day. But don't use this rule as an excuse to overeat.
AVOID EATING AFTER 8 PM It's good to eat your last meal before eight in the evening. This way you don't land up binging on a snack before dinner time. If you find it hard to resist, have some herbal tea or brush your teeth after dinner immediately to switch your mind off from the idea of eating.


If you quit smoking right now, here is what will begin to happen immediately:

  • In 20 minutes: Your heart rate drops.
  • In 12 hours: The carbon monoxide (a gas that can be toxic) in your blood drops to normal.
  • In 2 weeks to 3 months: Your heart attack risk begins to drop and your lungs are working better.
  • In 1 to 9 months: Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease and your lungs start to function better, lowering your risk of lung infection.
  • In 1 year: Your risk for heart disease is half that of a smoker's.
  • In five years: Your risk of having a stroke is the same as someone who doesn't smoke.
  • In 10 years: Your risk of dying from lung cancer is half that of a smoker's. Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas also decreases.
  • In 15 years: Your risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who doesn't smoke.

lunedì 13 maggio 2013


If you want to learn how to make money forex trading you will have to have an open mind and throw away all your prejudices about trading and what it takes to be a profitable forex trader. It is a commonly known statistic that something like 90% of traders fail to make money in the markets, there are many reasons for this, but most of them boil down to having the wrong mindset when interacting with the market. It is the mindset of a trader that determines whether or not they make money forex trading and how much money they make, most traders inhibit their own success because they do not know how to make money forex trading, or they simply ignore the facts of what successful forex trading is all about.

Capitalism and the crisis facing young people

Perhaps more than any other section of society, young people around the world have been made to bear the brunt of the capitalist crisis. In the five years since the 2008 crash, youth unemployment has reached Depression-era levels, young workers’ wages have plummeted, and education opportunities have collapsed.
As with the attack on the working class as a whole, youth all over the world have been hit, including in the advanced capitalist countries.

The cause is not hard to discover: the brutal austerity measures and economic collapse imposed on the country by the European banks, in alliance with the Greek ruling class. Other countries that have received “bailouts” face a similar situation. In March of this year, youth unemployment hit 55.9 percent in Spain and 38.4 percent in Italy.
Throughout Europe, youth unemployment is at epidemic levels. Last Thursday, Greece’s statistics service said that the unemployment rate in February for people aged between 15 and 24 reached a staggering 64.2 percent—affecting nearly two thirds of the entire population of youth and young workers. This is up from 54.1 percent in March 2012.
The situation is getting worse. This was made clear in a report published last week by the United Nation’s International Labour Organization (ILO), which concluded that global youth unemployment will continue to rise for at least five years. The agency says it expects the youth unemployment rate worldwide to hit 12.8 percent by 2018, up from the current rate of 12.4 percent.
The ILO report noted that “youth unemployment increased by as much as 24.9 per cent in the Developed Economies and European Union between 2008 and 2012, and the youth unemployment rate was at a decades-long high of 18.1 per cent in 2012.”
The report added that this year there are 73.4 million young people unemployed throughout the world, “an increase of 3.5 million since 2007 and 0.8 million above the level in 2011.” More than one third of jobless youth have been unemployed for at least half a year.
The portion of young people in developed countries who are neither employed nor in school has likewise grown significantly. Between 2008 and 2010, this group grew by 2.1 percentage points to 15.8 percent.
Among those young people in Europe who do have jobs, one quarter were working part-time and 40.5 percent were working under temporary contracts.
The official youth unemployment rate in the United States is 16.2 percent, considerably more than twice the official rate for the population as a whole. But like the overall unemployment rate, this does not take into account the departure of millions of people from the labor force. The labor force participation rate for those under the age of 25 is at its lowest rate in four decades, producing a real unemployment rate of 22.9 percent.
Moreover, the vast majority of jobs created since 2008 in the US have been low-wage, paying between $7.69 and $13.83 an hour, according to a study released last year by the National Employment Law Project.
The disappearance of decent-paying work has led the wages of young people working full time in the US to fall by 6 percent since 2008—more than any other section of the population.
Despair at the prospect of a lifetime in poverty—coupled with other social ills exacerbated by the economic crisis and government austerity policies—has driven a growing number of youth to suicide. One in six US high school students has seriously considered taking his or her life, and one in twelve has attempted it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since the outbreak of the economic crisis, the portion of US teens who attempted suicide has shot up, from 6.3 percent in 2008 to 7.8 percent in 2011.
Even as wages fall and jobs disappear, the prospect of a decent education is moving further and further out of reach for young people. Throughout the world, public education is being dismantled and privatized. The United States is leading this drive, with mass closures of public schools taking place throughout the country. Earlier this month, a public school district in Michigan shut down completely for lack of funds.
Tuition at colleges has soared, saddling an entire generation of college graduates with a huge debt burden. Between 2003 and 2012, the portion of all 25-year-olds in the US with student debt rose from 25 percent to 43 percent. In the same period, the average amount of student debt owed by 25-year-olds doubled from $10,649 to $20,326. Lenders, meanwhile, have become increasingly aggressive and predatory in collecting debts from students who are less and less able to pay.
Young people in the United States and the other imperialist centers, deprived of the opportunity for decent employment and a future, provide the shock troops for ever-expanding wars of aggression, sacrificing in the process their lives or limbs or their physical and mental health.
In the aftermath of the 2011 revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor under Carter and a leading figure in the US political establishment, warned about the potentially revolutionary consequences of a generation of educated young people with no future.
“Populations of young adults…are especially explosive when combined with the revolution in communication technology,” he warned in his book, Strategic Vision. “Often educated but unemployed, their resulting frustration and alienation” leaves them “susceptible to ideological agitation and revolutionary mobilization.”


With retirement confidence at a 23-year low, recent reports shows that a growing number of America’s senior citizens are taking on increasing amounts of debt and plunging into poverty. Many elderly Americans are being forced out of retirement or are working well into their retirement years to cover their debts, living expenses, and health care needs.

The $275 billion in new cuts to Medicare and Medicaid in the US Senate’s 2014 budget proposal would spell further hardship for the elderly. Millions of retired Americans rely on these social programs, in addition to Social Security, to cover a significant share of their increasingly expensive health care costs.
The growth of debt amongst the elderly is largely accounted for by the entrenched economic crisis precipitated by collapse of the housing market in 2008, along with the rapidly increasing cost of health care. Growing debt and increasing health care costs are exhausting many individuals’ retirement funds, plunging an increasing number of retired workers into poverty.
According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s (EBRI) “Time Trends in Poverty for Older Americans” report for 2001-2009, the poverty rate for workers ages 65 to 74 rose from 7.5 percent in 2005 to 9.4 percent in 2009. As elderly retirees age, their economic conditions only worsen. The poverty rate for retirees ages 75 to 84 rose from 7.6 percent in 2005 to 10.7 percent in 2009. The oldest Americans, those over 84, were the worst off, with 14.6 percent living in poverty in 2009.
The most significant factor for rising poverty rates amongst senior citizens is increasing costs of health care. A 2012 report by Fidelity estimated that a 65-year-old couple retiring in that year required $240,000 to cover medical expense through retirement. This is a 50 percent increase from its estimate of $160,000 in 2002. Despite the promises of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the cost of health care is expected to continue its upward trend over the coming years.
The need for health care is greatest amongst the most vulnerable segment of elderly Americans, as they suffer the most from health issues. According to the EBRI report, 70 percent of retirees living below the poverty line suffer from acute health conditions, including cancer, lung disease, heart problems, or stroke.
Nearly all retirees living below the poverty line, 96 percent, suffer from some sort of health condition, including high blood pressure, diabetes, psychological problems, or arthritis. Among those living above the poverty line, 61.7 percent suffer from the same health conditions.
Also contributing to the steadily growing number of senior citizens living in poverty is the decline in the number of workers saving for retirement. The percentage of Americans who report saving for retirement in 2013 stands at 68 percent, down from 75 percent in 2011. The decline in retirement savings is most significant among households with an income less than $35,000. Among low-income workers, the percentage of those reporting having saved for retirement has dropped dramatically, from 49 percent in 2009 to 24 percent in 2013. (See “US retirement confidence at 23-year low”)
A 2012 report by The Schwartz Center for Economic Policy found that in 2011, 75 percent of workers between the ages of 50 and 64 had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts. A report by the Wall Street Journal in 2011 found that the typical American household nearing retirement with a 401(k) savings account had less than one quarter of what was required to maintain their current standard of living.
The increasing amount of debt held by older Americans has made saving for a comfortable retirement increasingly difficult. Recently released data from the US Census Bureau reveals that the median amount of debt held by households headed by someone 65 or older rose nearly 120 percent between 2000 and 2011, from $12,000 to $26,000. A significant portion of this increase is accounted for by rising mortgage debt since the collapse of the housing bubble in 2008.
Since the collapse of the housing bubble, many retirement-age workers have found themselves stuck with underwater mortgages in drastically devalued homes. Those 65 and older saw their typical secured debt in mortgages rise from $25,000 to $50,000. Since 2000, Americans over 65 have grown more likely to hold a mortgage or any other kind of debt, while those under 55 have grown less likely to hold mortgage debt.
Americans who are on the verge of retirement are also taking on increasing amounts of debt, particularly in the form of home mortgages. In 2010, 39 percent of households with heads aged 60 to 64 held a primary mortgage and 20 percent held a secondary mortgage. This was up significantly from 22 percent and 12 percent respectively in 1994.

domenica 12 maggio 2013


 Choosing the Best Notebook

A few parameters have to be considered before choosing the top rated laptops. Although the look and layout plays a major role, one should not pass judgment of the best notebook solely on the basis of looks, because after all, one should never judge a book by its cover! So here are a few parameters to look out for.

Cost: The cost of electronic items tend to fluctuate. So, decide beforehand the amount that you are willing to spend on the notebook computer. There will always be a high-end and high-performance computer in the market, but what's the point if you are not able to afford it?

Processor: The speed of the processor plays an important role in the final performance output. Like the engine of a car, the CPU (central processing unit) is the engine of a computer. Also, processors have a variety of speeds (like 2.4GHz, 2.6GHz, 2.8GHz etc.) Unnecessarily high-speed processors are not needed for daily activities, such as listening to music and watching movies. High speed processors (Quad Core) should be chosen if you plan on doing activities that require high processing speeds, like programming or setting up a server.

RAM: The word 'RAM' is an acronym for Random Access Memory. It is the primary memory of the notebook computer. RAM should be as high as possible. Although this is a replaceable part and has a certain capacity to be upgraded, its upgradation is a costly affair.
Motherboard: Choosing the computer motherboard is also very important because it is the circuit mechanism on which all your internal components are going to rest. Think of it as a communication medium. The better the medium, the faster the message received (Email vs traditional mail).

Hard Disk Drive: Also known as HDD, it is the secondary storage of the notebook computer. It is the area where the operating system resides when the notebook computer is switched off. A hard drive is like a closet or a basement. You never know when you might need the extra storage space.

Operating System: There are different types of operating systems. Selecting an operating system (OS) for your computer is a crucial decision. It is through an OS that you are going to interact with the notebook computer. Windows-based OSs have a history of being user-friendly, MAC OSs are known for their efficiency, while open source flavors of Linux are cost-free.

Battery: Notebook computers are designed for people who are frequent travelers. So, it makes sense to have a good battery backup. Battery of the best notebooks last for a long time.

  • Choosing the Accessories

Now, it's time to know about laptop accessories.

USB Flash Drive: A typical accessory that one must always have with a laptop is a USB flash drive. It's a portable secondary storage device. Whenever you are on the move and feel the need to exchange data, a USB flash drive is the best option. It's reliable and fast.

A Laptop Bag: Notebook computers are meant to be traveled with. The best laptop bag is that which is comfortable as well as attractive.

USB Lamp:  It is a lamp which is connected to the USB port of the notebook computer. The illumination that this lamp provides is only meant for the keyboard. This accessory is handy if you are working at night.

A Mouse: Touch pads or pressure pads have a tendency to be unreliable at times. Also, if you are a first time user of the notebook computer, use a normal mouse till you get used to the pressure pad.

Top 10 best 3rd Generation core i7 laptops -2013




An ecological house is modeled on the energy and material flows of natural ecosystems, and thus enhances rather than degrades the environment. Like an ecosystem, an ecological house conserves resources (energy, water, food and materials). It also produces resources, or at least gathers and stores more of them than it uses. The “extra” resources are distributed back into the larger environment to support life elsewhere.
A standard house, by contrast, is a resource sink. Life's essentials flow into it, are dissipated or degraded until useless, and are dumped off into the environment, sometimes as toxic waste. The flow is unidirectional, from source to sink to waste.
In an ecosystem, and in an ideal ecological house, there is no waste because the resource flow is circular. Like houses, ecosystems import energy — mostly solar, in their case. Unlike standard houses, however, ecosystems store their energy and reuse it. It's stored first as plant biomass, which is eventually distributed as food to the ecosystems' myriad inhabitants. Further, and this is the real key to the sustainability of ecosystems, the stored energy continues to circulate, as exchanged nutrients, until it makes its way back to the plants. In the scenario known to every sixth grader, plants make animal food and animals make plant food.

sabato 11 maggio 2013



As introduced at the beginning of this section of our website, there are seven key components associated with the physical and mental aspects of health, fitness and mental well-being. Each contributes to overall health and fitness in its own way. To achieve total physical health and fitness, you must be aware of and work at achieving each of the seven key components. The seven key physical components to overall good health, fitness and mental well-being are:
  1. Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
  2. Strength Training and Muscular Development
  3. Stretching - Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
  4. Core Stability
  5. Nutrition and Supplementation
  6. Mental Rest and Relaxation
  7. Sleep



                                  FITNESS FOOD

mercoledì 8 maggio 2013


The State of Hawaii is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States.  Situated in the middle of the Pacific Island, 20 degrees north of the equator, Hawaii enjoys a wonderful warm climate year-round.
Flights are available to Hawaii from most American and Canadian cities.  Inexpensive air and hotel packages are also available.
Many tourists to Hawaii enjoy cruise vacations that run between the Hawaiian islands.  Ferry service and inexpensive airline service is also available between the islands.



martedì 7 maggio 2013


The PlayStation 4 (Japanese: プレイステーション4 , officially abbreviated as PS4) is an upcoming video game console from Sony Computer Entertainment. Announced as the successor to the PlayStation 3 during a press conference on February 20, 2013, the PS4 is the second eighth-generation console to be officially confirmed – the first was Nintendo's Wii U. It will also be the fourth game console in Sony's PlayStation series. The PS4 is expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2013.
Moving away from the Cell architecture, the PlayStation 4 will be the first in the Sony series to feature compatibility with the x86-64 instruction set, which is a widely used platform common in many modern PCs. The idea is to make video game development easier on the next-generation console, attracting a broader range of developers large and small. These changes highlight Sony's effort to improve upon the lessons learned during the development, production and release of the PS3. Other notable hardware features of the PS4 include 8 GB of unified memory and a faster Blu-ray Disc drive.
Among new applications and services, Sony plans to release the PlayStation App, allowing PS4 owners to turn smartphones and tablets into a second screen to enhance gameplay. The company also plans to debut Gaikai, a cloud-based gaming service that hosts downloadable content and games. By incorporating a share button on the new controller and making it possible to view in-game content being streamed live from friends, Sony plans to place more focus on social gameplay as well.

lunedì 6 maggio 2013


Completely and correctly scanning your computer for malware like viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, spyware, adware, worms, etc. is often a very important troubleshooting step. A simple virus scan will no longer do.

domenica 5 maggio 2013



Most modern antivirus programs try to find virus-patterns inside ordinary programs by scanning them for so-called virus signatures. Unfortunately, the term is misleading, in that viruses do not possess unique signatures in the way that human beings do. Such a virus signature is merely a sequence of bytes that an antivirus program looks for because it is known to be part of the virus. A better term would be "search strings". Different antivirus programs will employ different search strings, and indeed different search methods, when identifying viruses. If a virus scanner finds such a pattern in a file, it will perform other checks to make sure that it has found the virus, and not merely a coincidental sequence in an innocent file, before it notifies the user that the file is infected. The user can then delete, or (in some cases) "clean" or "heal" the infected file. Some viruses employ techniques that make detection by means of signatures difficult but probably not impossible. These viruses modify their code on each infection. That is, each infected file contains a different variant of the virus.


While some antivirus software employ various techniques to counter stealth mechanisms, once the infection occurs any recourse to clean the system is unreliable. In Microsoft Windows operating systems, the NTFS file system is proprietary. Direct access to files without using the Windows OS is undocumented. This leaves antivirus software little alternative but to send a read request to Windows OS files that handle such requests. Some viruses trick antivirus software by intercepting its requests to the OS. A virus can hide itself by intercepting the request to read the infected file, handling the request itself, and return an uninfected version of the file to the antivirus software. The interception can occur by code injection of the actual operating system files that would handle the read request. Thus, an antivirus software attempting to detect the virus will either not be given permission to read the infected file, or, the read request will be served with the uninfected version of the same file.
The only reliable method to avoid stealth is to boot from a medium that is known to be clean. Security software can then be used to check the dormant operating system files. Most security software relies on virus signatures, or they employ heuristics.
Security software may also use a database of file hashes for Windows OS files, so the security software can identify altered files, and request Windows installation media to replace them with authentic versions. In older versions of Windows, file hashes of Windows OS files stored in Windows—to allow file integrity/authenticity to be checked—could be overwritten so that the System File Checker would report that altered system files are authentic, so using file hashes to scan for altered files would not always guarantee finding an infection.


In order to avoid detection by users, some viruses employ different kinds of deception. Some old viruses, especially on the MS-DOS platform, make sure that the "last modified" date of a host file stays the same when the file is infected by the virus. This approach does not fool antivirus software, however, especially those which maintain and date cyclic redundancy checks on file changes.Some viruses can infect files without increasing their sizes or damaging the files. They accomplish this by overwriting unused areas of executable files. These are called cavity viruses. For example, the CIH virus, or Chernobyl Virus, infects Portable Executable files. Because those files have many empty gaps, the virus, which was 1 KB in length, did not add to the size of the file.
Some viruses try to avoid detection by killing the tasks associated with antivirus software before it can detect them.
As computers and operating systems grow larger and more complex, old hiding techniques need to be updated or replaced. Defending a computer against viruses may demand that a file system migrate towards detailed and explicit permission for every kind of file access.


A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another. The term "virus" is also commonly, but erroneously, used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have a reproductive ability.
Malware includes computer viruses, computer worms, ransomware, trojan horses, keyloggers, most rootkits, spyware, dishonest adware, malicious BHOs and other malicious software. The majority of active malware threats are usually trojans or worms rather than viruses. Malware such as trojan horses and worms is sometimes confused with viruses, which are technically different: a worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computers through networks, while a trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. Worms and trojan horses, like viruses, may harm a computer system's data or performance. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious or simply do nothing to call attention to themselves. Some viruses do nothing beyond reproducing themselves.